About us

We do not sell products, we sell opportunity for satisfied customers and successful business.

Monica 871 Ltd. was established as a commercial company specializing in distribution of dairy products.

The main brand launched on the market is "MILKLAND JOSI".

In 2017 we purchased production facilities for the production of mozzarella, melted cheeses, white cheeses and yellow cheeses.

The company's products are exported in Europe, the Middle East, Australia and New Zealand.

Why choose Milk Land Josi

Long-term and lasting cooperation

We strive for long-term and lasting cooperation with our partners

Products with guaranteed quality

The milk from our farms is without added vegetable fats

24/7 feedback

and assistance for any case that arises

IFS Standart

Monica 871 is IFS certified

Milk Land Josi

Products that are finding more and more space in the consumer basket.

Monica 871 is an innovative company on the market. We are the first company producing in Bulgaria:
- Ricotta
- Burrata
- Handmade yellow cheese
- Buffalo mozzarella

In 2017 we purchased production facilities for the production of mozzarella, melted cheeses, white cheeses and yellow cheeses.

The company has become the largest producer of:

- Mozzarella
- Melted and smoked cheeses and yellow cheeses
- Goats and Buffalos Yogurt in a jar
- Cheese grill

Фирма "Моника 871" ЕООД е бенефициент съгласно АДБФП № BG06RDNP001-4.014-0045 от 25.10.2023 г. с Проект: “Инвестиции в производствено оборудване за млекопреработвателно предприятие“ по подмярка 4.2„Инвестиции в преработка/маркетинг на селскостопански продукти» от ПРСР 2014-2020, ФИНАНСИРАНА ОТ ЕВРОПЕЙСКИ ЗЕМЕДЕЛСКИ ФОНД ЗА РАЗВИТИЕ НА СЕЛСКИТЕ РАЙОНИ: ЕВРОПА ИНВЕСТИРА В СЕЛСКИТЕ РАЙОНИ.

Размер на разходите: 580 118.01 лева

Размер на БФП: 290 059 лева

Основна цел:
- Внедряване на нови и/или модернизиране на наличните мощности и подобряване на използването им в млекопреработвателното предприятие на „Моника 871“ ЕООД

- Внедряване на нови продукти, процеси и технологии, чрез закупуване на ново технологично оборудване